Marketing Plans / Campaigns / Audits
Branding/Creative Platform
Website and Digital Strategy
Regional Profiles and Target Industry Sheets
Your Marketing Road Map to Success
How you allocate your marketing resources – both your time and money –can make the difference between a successful and not-so-successful EDO.
Marketing should be tailored to your objectives. We bring expertise in economic development marketing, along with analytical research and straightforward implementation experience. A Chrisman Consulting marketing plan is fresh thinking backed by real-world results.
Your marketing plan is about choices: whom to target, how to reach them, and what messages to use. We’re your choice for economic development marketing.
Marketing should be tailored to your objectives. We bring expertise in economic development marketing, along with analytical research and straightforward implementation experience. A Chrisman Consulting marketing plan is fresh thinking backed by real-world results.
Your marketing plan is about choices: whom to target, how to reach them, and what messages to use. We’re your choice for economic development marketing.
Marketing Plans
Our marketing plans are detailed blueprints of precisely who you should be reaching, with what messages, and how. We include timelines, budgets, and flight schedules. Marketing plans are frequently a component of our economic development strategic plans.
Branding/Creative Platform
A brand is not just a logo. A brand should be what you want people to think about you when you’re not there. We’ll help you articulate this through our in-depth branding process that uncovers your unique story, brand platform, and graphic standards.
Website and Digital Strategy
We are experts in how site selectors and businesses look to relocate talent and evaluate locations. This includes what information needs to be included on your website and how it needs to be organized. Because of our expertise, no two websites we design ever have the same navigation. Your region is unique; your website and digital footprint should be, too.
Marketing Campaigns
Whether digital, physical, or a combination, we have the creative chops to deliver your message to hard-to-reach audiences. A campaign to reach site selectors looks different from one aimed to attract talent to your community, and we have the tools and techniques to reach your unique audiences.
Regional Profiles and Target Industry Sheets
Regional profiles and target industry sheets are essential pieces of your marketing collateral. They serve as core content to also be used on your website and in direct marketing to prospective businesses. They communicate the value proposition of your community or region to both internal stakeholders and existing businesses as well as prospective businesses who may be considering you for relocation or expansion.
Marketing Audits
Your plan is in place, but is it achieving your goals? We understand it takes more than a pretty picture or an attractive advertisement to reach your goals. Our team understands economic development and the best practices to be successful. Backed by decades of industry experience and our proprietary research, we take a critical eye on your campaign components so that your return on investment is high.
Digital Communications Audit
Before you invest a lot of time and money in your new website, have our team of experienced experts take a look. We’ve analyzed over 200 economic development websites and can provide succinct, actionable input. We can expand that to a complete marketing audit, including social media, inbound marketing, and other marketing tactics, to ensure that you are directing your marketing resources in the best way to meet your goals.