Practical. Integrated.
Innovative. Expert.
- Market Research and Target Industry Analysis
- Trend Analysis and Thought Leadership
- Strategy Consulting
- Talent Solutions
- Business Retention and Expansion
- Rural Competitiveness
- Speaking Engagements and Workshops
- Holistic Approach to Talent Attraction
- Talent Strategies
- Talent Assessment
- Talent Campaign Audits
- Talent Recruitment
- Strategic Planning
- Economic Resiliency Strategies
- Mock RFI and RFI Best Practices / Site Visits
- Community Competitiveness Assessment
- Policy and Program Review and Recommendations
- Supply Chain Strategies
- Customized Workshops for Your Team
- Board and Stakeholder Training
- EDO Training for emerging ED leaders and experienced practitioners
- Marketing Plans / Campaigns / Audits
- Branding/Creative Platform
- Website and Digital Strategy
- Regional Profiles and Target Industry Sheets
- Digital Communications Audit
The Process
Uncover and understand the problems, issues, and data for each client. Learn the market, customers, competition and prospects that can move the needle of growth.
What is your unique path and plan to move the needle and grow? What resources need to be brought together for success?
A plan to implement and support along the way to make measurable progress.

Carolyn Chrisman has more than a decade of experience in economic development in a rural area focusing on workforce development, business development strategies, innovation, emerging areas, and more to grow the local economy.
As an economic development practitioner, Carolyn has worked projects of numerous sizes and industries. The largest was a $250M business retention and expansion project of a food processor that expanded a facility by 260,000 square feet, retained 500 jobs and added 500 new jobs. Other BRE projects included small $1M-$2M investments in machinery and equipment. New investment projects have entailed commercial/retail, call centers, and renewables. A renewable investment attraction project consisted of a 175 turbine, 400 MW wind farm. Efforts included workforce training and support, community education and communication, and state law policy changes. New and emerging issues include renewable energy, broadband, workforce issues such as affordable housing and childcare, and diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. Carolyn believes the future of rural America is bright as long as community stakeholders work together, embrace change and innovation, and provide the leadership necessary to progress.
Chrisman Consulting was formed in 2021 to provide business consulting to a wide variety of businesses, industries, and issues. The Chrisman team knows how to assess and diagnose the issues you face, and how to develop solutions that work at all levels.